...My road is the same road that most everyone travels - maybe it has a few different stops along the way - and certainly a wonderous variety of distractions to be seen and possibly even enjoyed. If you find yourself encountering difficulties along your Life's path - will you be willing to be courageous and do the right thing? What IS the RIGHT THING?! Join me as I open the discussion about COURAGE - what is it ? How does one get it? And what can be done to Get or Strengthen PERSONAL COURAGE...

JOIN ME as this is a LIVE BROADCAST - and I welcome CALLERS to express their opinions / thoughts - or ask questions or share your own personal sories of recovery aand hope. Our call-in number is 323-580-5755 and we go LIVE from 7 PM until 9 PM every SUNDAY EVENING.

I certainly hope you will be able to join me next week!    BY THE WAY - be sure to STAY HOME THIS MONTH and STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY!