I welcome callers at 323-580-5755 and hope that at some point you may find the urge to call in and share whatever it is that you are thinnking about the broadcast. Maybe you have a question or a comment as it relates to the show maybe you just what to be heard. Whatever the reason - I suggest that you give me a call between 7 and 9 pm Central Standard Time...(Chicago Time)

....Well I enjoyed last weeks topic about choices - It would have been nice to have a few guests join me - and as it was I had to work (I am a Real Estate Broker )  but somehow we managed to get through and discuss a bit about choices - good bad and ugly.

Join me every week as we sometimes have an idea of what the topic will be and then one never knows how it may change as I discuss my day to day life issues as a SOBER MAN living in Todays world .