2023... was a good video gaming year! Welcome to our extensive GOTY breakdown which we're joined for, as always, by Barry Murphy (@TheBarryLad on Twitter, twitch.tv/Barrylad).

This is part 3 of 4 (we did say extensive!) and we cover the following topics below:

00:55 Best Music or Soundtrack
37:45 It's Like a Ham Sandwich or Keane Award for Okayest Game of the Year
1:15:05 2023's Game of... Not 2023 (Best Remake/DLC/Remaster)
2:11:20 Best Multiplayer
2:36:30 Goodest Boi

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The lads are:
► @thedaytodave
► @lithiumproject
► @jacklayzell
► @garrettkidney

The Grap Up- a once-in-a-while pro wrestling podcast with Mark and Bryan Rose