Congratulations, you just beat the final boss of 2021. Platinum Trophy (and/or Xbox equivalent) for you! Your reward is our 2021 extensive GOTY breakdown which we're joined for, as always, by Barry Murphy (@TheBarryLad on Twitter, This is part 1 of 4 (we did say extensive!) and we cover the following topics below:

01:00 Intro and thing games missed out on in 2021
11:40 Rules of Engagement
13:45 The Randy Pitchford Award - Highlighting Bad, Dumb & Shady Practices in Video Games
71:00 Disappointment of the Year
129:10 Character of the Year (New award!)

If you want to contact us for our mailbag, or just to say hi, or if you just want to keep up to date on our content as it’s posted, check out the following:
[email protected]
@linktothecast on Twitter (the lads are @thedaytodave / @lithiumproject / @jacklayzell / @garrettkidney )