It's that time of year again! 2016 has bit the dust, and now we pick through its carcass for the highlights in our special Game of the Year extravaganza. Last year's festivities culminated in Dave having to split the tie and award our inaugural Game of the Year to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

For this year's argument/podcast, we have brought in the big guns:

Dave- your party host as always ( )

Mark- off the mountain this year ( )

Jack Layzell- The Roman Reigns of audio ( )

Barry Murphy- Undefeated in shoot fights with Will Ospreay ( , )

In part one, our topics for consideration are:

The Konami Korner Award for Ineptitude in Video Games

Disappointment of the Year

Old Game of the Year (Best Re-release)

Moment of the Year

DLC/Expansion of the Year

Best Looking

We'll be back in a day or two with the final part of our awards show, including the coveted Game of the Year accolade. Happy listening!


Listen, like, share, find us on iTunes (rate us there too to be extra nice) or your podcast provider of preference, and enjoy!

If you wanna contact us for our mailbag, or just to say hi, or if you just want to keep up to date on our content as it’s posted, check out the following:

[email protected]

LTTC Cover Art- @EamoV1

Our Weekly Schedule

Monday: Mark on Mondays

Tuesday: Book Club on Youtube/Article on website

Wednesday: LTTC Plays

Thursday: New Link to the Cast episode

Friday: FriDave Plays

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