00:25 Mad Egg, vegetarian options, Mainz’ No 1
14:41 Nostalgia Critic’s The Wall
16:39 Donnie Darko
28:50 The Hunger Games and the YA explosion
39:07 No Hard Feelings
40:43 Knowledge Fight
53:16 Blue Beetle
1:00:23 Mortal Kombat 1
1:16:45 ohh… the FRASIER trailer
1:17:30 En Garde!
1:24:59 Blasphemous 2
1:32:57 Sea of Stars
1:37:27 F-Zero 99
1:46:47 Square Enix has lost nearly $2bn in market value since Final Fantasy 16’s release
1:56:25 Unity reveals plans to charge per game install, drawing criticism from development community
2:20:18 Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years

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The Grap Up- a once in a while pro wrestling podcast with Mark and Bryan Rose.