Ho ho ho, merry everyone! Link to the Cast is sort of back!

Brian has returned home to the rural Utopia from whence he came for Christmas, and the lack of M&S Turkey sandwiches has made Mark as feral as a coyote, which left me to hold down the fort this week. Fortunately, rather than listen to me prattle on about Silent Hill for two hours (oh believe me, I could), I decided instead to release this week's pre-recorded Game of The Year Book Club feature as a standalone episode.

This week is the turn of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, and helping me wax lyrical about Kojima's magnum opus is none other than friend of the show, and all around top bloke Jack Layzell. So enjoy an unedited and extended chat about one of the best games of this year, and laugh along as I attempt to seamlessly segue back into a podcast that I would go on to not be able to record.

Listen, like, share, find us on iTunes (rate us there too to be extra nice), enjoy, and merry Christmas!!

Contact us:

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