In this episode, we dive into the inspiring story of Peter Baines, the founder of Hands Across the Water, a prominent charity in Thailand. Peter takes us on his powerful journey, starting from his time in the police force to his life-changing humanitarian work and creating a life of choice, not chance. He also shares [...]

In this episode, we dive into the inspiring story of Peter Baines, the founder of Hands Across the Water, a prominent charity in Thailand. Peter takes us on his powerful journey, starting from his time in the police force to his life-changing humanitarian work and creating a life of choice, not chance. He also shares insights from his book, “Leadership Matters,” which delves into the origins of Hands Across the Water and its mission to provide a better life for the children they support.

You can watch the podcast here, click the image below, or listen on your favourite platforms.

Key Take Aways:

We discuss the importance of finding a journey that feeds our soul and the significance of leadership.

The moment that led to the creation of Hands Across the Water
The power of choice and chance
Overcoming barriers and embracing personal growth
Finding a journey that feeds your soul
Seizing opportunities
Three tips for impactful leadership.

Contact Peter:

Peter Baines Website



Hands Across the Water website

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To leading the future,
