40: How to embrace the power of video to deliver your message as a leader According to today’s guest - Julian Mather, video shyness is not a life sentence. In fact, worried that you will forget what you want to say - only if you try to remember, say’s Julian. Or, concerned you’ll look like [...]

40: How to embrace the power of video to deliver your message as a leader

According to today’s guest – Julian Mather, video shyness is not a life sentence. In fact, worried that you will forget what you want to say – only if you try to remember, say’s Julian. Or, concerned you’ll look like an amateur – then don’t try to look professional, he goes on to say. 

Grab a pen and paper and get ready to take down lots of tips and tricks as Renée and Julian step up to the microphone.  

Julian Mather is a Speaker, Author and Mentor and has seen the world through many lenses. Through a telescopic sight as an army sniper. Through the TV lens as a globe-trotting cameraman for ABCTV, National Geographic and BBC. Through smoke and mirrors as a professional magician. 

Now Australia’s leading voice on authentic video, he helps leaders amplify their influence so they can be seen as trusted authorities that people want to do business with.


Here are three reasons you should listen to the full episode: 

The importance of video for leaders and anyone wanting to share their message 
How to deal with nerves and avoidance of video 
How to create videos that build trust and will convey your story  



Julian’s Program: Confident Video Presenter Academy – a 7-day self-paced program 
Limitless Leaders 90-Day Public Program – Motivational Intelligence to Lead and Re-energise   


Episode Highlights:  

[1.52] Julian’s backstory and how he got to where he is today 

Julian did really well at school if you don’t count learning 
He knew what he wanted to do but didn’t fit into the school system 
He went to the library and studied every book on photography and photo journalism 
He joined the army to get out into the world, and ended up as a sniper, but it still wasn’t the view of the world he wanted 
He then ended up becoming a documentary cameraman for the world’s big networks and what he calls the ‘second best job in the world’  
It was the people in front of the lens who influenced his thinking 


 [7.14] Past roles contribute to who we are now and who are continually becoming 

Julian would not have changed any of the experiences and roles he’s had 
How do you measure success? Julian’s is lack of regret  
Julian has had a lot of failures, but they have all taught him something  


[10.49] What is success? 

While the dictionary states success is a physical thing for Renée it’s a feeling – not monetary 
Being vulnerable on video  
Why curiousity, learning, unlearning is so important 


[13.19] How important is it for a leader to be showing up on video 

Now, it’s a necessary skill as much as email is    
Leaders need to be video literate 
People like video and are waiting for you to show up and lead  

Give people the choice and a different way of learning  


[18.30] Be yourself on video 

People don’t want a persona on video – they want a person 
Communicate as you would if you were speaking to someone face-to-face in a meeting 

People love people for their uniqueness – no-one is you 
Be yourself and show up – the pressure disappears 
You won’t resonate with everyone and that’s ok 


[25.11] Three rules to get on video the right way 

Be you – people don’t want a persona 
Be fast – don't get hung up on the technology  
Build trust – our reputation online is everything  


[29.14] Dealing with nerves  

Fix nervous with service  
Solve (people’s problems) don’t sell 
Pump out  simple, imperfect videos  


 [31.26] Ideal length of videos for social platforms  

People relate to story  
It’s not about making the story long or short – it's about making the content relevant and relatable 
Aim for 90 seconds – about 200 words 
Ask yourself: What would my audience want me to answer about this specific topic 


[41.38] Biggest Lessons learned   

Change is not a process – it's a decision 
Responsibility starts with me 
You can’t expect to win a new game playing by the old rules   



[7.41] Julian: My metric of success is lack of regret  

[9.11] Renee: Welcome the unwelcome and embrace those things to drive us forward 

[14:19] Julian: There are 4 big shifts/trends that have driven video: The Digital Shift, The Self-Serve Society, We trust people more than brands, Citizen and consumer driven demand for transparency  

[27.26] It’s not who you say you are. It’s who Google says you are 

[29.46] Fix nervous with service 


About Julian: 

Julian Mather is a Speaker, Author and Mentor and has seen the world through many lenses. Through a telescopic sight as an army sniper. Through the TV lens as a globe-trotting cameraman for ABCTV, National Geographic and BBC. Through smoke and mirrors as a professional magician.

He's traveled far but his longest journeys have been from behind the camera to in front of it. From stutterer to professional speaker. From too polite dip eater to insatiable hummus addict.

Now Australia’s leading voice on authentic video, he helps leaders amplify their influence so they can be seen as trusted authorities that people want to do business with.


Contact Julian: 

Twitter ID: https://twitter.com/JulianMather 
Instagram ID: https://www.instagram.com/julianmather 
LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/julianmather/ 
Website: www.julianmather.com 


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Leadership in changing times can be difficult, but you can adopt certain traits to get your team through it. You can also join mentorship programs to gain the skill you need.   

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To leading the future,  



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