38: Unwrapping my biggest 7 lessons turning 50! Many people who turn 40, or 50 want to hide, however Renee believes that age is just a number and it comes down to how you think and feel and your relationship with time. Life is here – what we do with it is what counts.   So, [...]

38: Unwrapping my biggest 7 lessons turning 50!

Many people who turn 40, or 50 want to hide, however Renee believes that age is just a number and it comes down to how you think and feel and your relationship with time. Life is here – what we do with it is what counts.  

So, here are Renee’s top 7 tips that’s she’s learned over the last 50 years to help you make each year count: 

1. Walk your Own Path 

No-one is you, nor will they ever be you – embrace it! Embrace you!  
If you’re thinking about making a change – make sure your why to change is exceeding your ‘why not’ to change

2. Everything Happens for a Lesson 

Life throws us curve balls – what we do with them is what matters
Ask yourself ‘What is the lesson, what is the gift in this?’ 

3. Learn Something New Everyday 

Renee’s mother always asked her: ‘What’s the best thing that has happened and what have you learned?’
Are you getting outside of your comfort zone? It’s the only way you can grow. 

4. Show Kindness and Gratitude  

You never know what is going on in another person’s life.
Showing gratitude can cause a ripple effect and impact others in a way you’ll never know 

 5. Do What Lights You Up 

What gives you a pep in your step? Do that!
Know what lights you up and bring it into your life as much as you can 

6. Make a Start – Take Action 

If something feels right to you – pursue it
You are the CEO of your life – only you can make things happen 

7. See Challenges as Opportunities 

Challenges come at us no matter what – they can teach us so much if we’re willing to embrace them
When we welcome the unwelcome – we can change our mindset to be open to new ways 

In summary:

Who we are and who we are continually becoming – continues to evolve as you become the best version of yourself.   

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