Welcome to the New Year. I hope you’ve been able to take some time out to reflect, recharge and reset for the year ahead.   In this episode of Limitless Leaders™ Podcast I want to talk about:   ‘The Great Resignation’, which I call ‘The Great Rejuvenation’ and what’s driving it;  Embracing The Gift Mindset and the [...]

Welcome to the New Year. I hope you’ve been able to take some time out to reflect, recharge and reset for the year ahead.  

In this episode of Limitless Leaders Podcast I want to talk about:  

‘The Great Resignation’, which I call ‘The Great Rejuvenation’ and what’s driving it; 
Embracing The Gift Mindset and the 12 Gifts; 
The importance of embracing gratitude. 



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[1.43] The Great Resignation 

A term that has come from WEF 
In 2021, 41% of employees were planning to leave their job (Europe and USA) 
Gartner’s Innovation Expert, Aaron McEwen believes there is data that shows it’s going to impact Australia in March 2022. 

What’s behind the Great Resignation? 

Companies who have their values aligned with their employees, are growing their employees, and are purpose led – will be fine. 
Companies who will be most impacted will be because of a lack of career opportunities, no pay rises, lack of appreciation and recognition 
Post pandemic values misalignment – no longer congruent with employee values 
Poor company culture 

Lack of work/life balance and flexibility  
Overseas work 

[5.25] Embracing The Gift Mindset 

Tapping into the gifts 

Looking at the lessons from challenges or successes 
Did we learn the Gift of Growth or Optimism or Curiousity? 
Did we learn the Gift of Empathy? 

[6.23] The Importance of Gratitude 

There’s a lack of appreciation and recognition in many organisations 
Many organisations are performance based; focused on bottom line and progress 
Some executives feel showing gratitude can be a weakness 
Other executives don’t feel they have the time 
Expressing gratitude needs to be part of your leadership 

[9.19] The Happiness Project 

People who were sent ‘thank you’ letters their happiness went from 2% to 4% 
When people were phoned directly their happiness increased from 4% to 19%

[10.00] Tips to showing gratitude 

Question to ask: “Who or what are you grateful for?” 
For every negative that comes up in a meeting, ask for three positive aspects that has come about from that negative challenge 
Have a Gratitude Jar 
Don’t make it complicated 

Start to ingrain the showing of gratitude as commonplace  
Know what makes you feel appreciated and share that with others 
Find out what makes others feel appreciated and show appreciation to them that way


Think about what can you do to foster a workplace of gratitude and make people feel truly appreciated? 


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To leading the future, 
