More and more young families are relocating to China and oftentimes choosing to have children abroad. How do we ensure our best pre-conception health while living overseas? In this show, Ally caught up with health coach and personal trainer, Olga Nemchikova, to find out. A passionate advocate of health and wellness in Shanghai, Olga dropped her successful career in logistics three years ago in order to help people understand their bodies using a holistic approach encompassing food, physical activity, mindset and spirituality. Most recently, she is focused on helping couples to conceive through simple lifestyle changes and body awareness. Tune in to discover five simple ways to get you and your partners bodies in tip top shape to have a baby. // /Connect with Olga online at // A special thanks to this episode's sponsor Concordia International School Shanghai; discover more at // These ten quick questions will better your listener experience. Take the 2016 Listener Survey at