What a spectacular year! I'm so grateful I got to spend it serving you and thousands of other listeners around the world! As we round out 2015, I'm leaving you with the Best of the Best shows from the year. If you missed these 'chart toppers' the first time around, make sure you don't miss them again and tune in to be motivated, empowered and inspired by these incredible guests. I wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! May you be unbelievably blessed in the year to come.

Welcome to “Finance Friday” where you have the chance to become smarter with your money. In this series with wealth manager and financial adviser, Adrian Bliss, learn what you can do to set yourself up for success with your finances—whether your swimming in the dough, or barely making ends meet. In this first episode, Adrian introduces his background, and walks through half of some common mistakes expats make right off the bat.

Episode sponsors: Concordia International School Shanghai; discover more at www.concordiashanghai.org.