We’ve made it folks! This is episode 9 in our series on Expat Finance with Adrian Bliss. If you’ve listened up to this point and have actually begun to put steps in motion to build your wealth, it’s only smart to learn how to protect it, right? Well, that’s what we’re going to do in today’s show. If you’ve listened to a couple of shows and have questions, I can’t stress this enough—Adrian is a fantastic wealth of information and is super helpful. Definitely connect with him ASAP if you need guidance as to how to get going on building and protecting your wealth long into the future. Enjoy today’s show and just know that Adrian and I are already exploring the possibility of future shows that address some of the additional concerns that listeners have brought up over the course of these months! Stay tuned! Notes on this episode and more, visit us online at www.limitlesslaowai.com/expatfinance. And as always, connect with Adrian at [email protected].

Episode sponsor: Concordia International School Shanghai; discover more online at www.concordiashanghai.org.