I'm willing to guess some of you have had that nightmare where you've been on stage at an important event and completely blanked on your lines. I know I have (more than once!) and even though I love presenting in front of a crowd in person, whenever these dreams hit, I wake up in a cold sweat, completely panicked. It's no wonder it's reported that more people fear public speaking than death itself! Forgetting your lines on stage is normal, actually. So what should you do when it happens? Do you freeze? Crack a joke? Stumble offstage in a panic? Deliver your closing line even though you know there were important things that you've left unsaid? In this Sticky Steps episode, Jeff has an almost sure fire way to help you push past the fear of forgetting your lines and equips to handle it with grace if you happen to do so on stage. For more on this series, visit us online at www.limitlesslaowai.com/stickysteps and feel free to email Jeff at [email protected].