DOD is a theory piece of Limited Fork Poetics, an experimental film that celebrates how text, sound, and both moving and static images can form sensory communities of varying densities while explaining some of what necessitates such explorations. The sensory paths are not duplicates; the sonic is not trying to say what the visual image is saying or the visual text, but they are all commenting on shared existence, so there are moments of convergence, and moments that contemplate, even if they do not complete, exchange. The death of depth in part suggests that a notion of distance may not belong in LFP, for in Limited Fork Poetics, there are means of instantaneous travel, to any location including the infinitely small and the infinitely large. Once arriving at these locations, surface is encountered. To cut into something, to identify a slice is to expose an interior surface. LFP understands fracture and rupture as an opportunity to build again, and an interest in building again, even while knowing the structures that form are temporary according to varying time scales. An instrumental version of the soundtrack is available from the Limited Fork Music podcast.