As Monday is the start of the 4 day challenge, I figured I would deliver a few early tips and challenges.

Today's is to read more, I started reading late, around 16/17 years old, so I wasn't great at it and it took some time to learn how to improve and to read well, now I read a lot

The point of mentioning that is because I know their are lots of people out there who feel they can not read well so they may as well not bother.

If I can improve so can you.

Reading is a great way to block out the world around you, slow time down and just be with yourself.

I believe we all should focus daily on reading and preferable reading real books.

If you don't know were to start I know an awesome book wrote by a really cool guy you could start with 😉

I hope to see you on the 4 days to a better life challenge.