Take Aways

Liminality is the space between what was and what will be, where we are trying to figure out how to be in a rapidly changing world.High-control religious environments can be toxic and manipulative, exerting authority over individuals and stifling personal growth.It is important to recognize and reject religious jargon that seeks to control and manipulate others.Reclaiming common human experiences, such as compassion, honesty, and justice, can help transcend religious boundaries and foster understanding.When confronted with high-control individuals, it is important to remember that you are not crazy, not engage in their games, and find a way to exit the conversation.


Introduction to Liminal Living Podcast

The Impact of Liminality on Individuals and Society

Criticism of Christian Supremacy and Institutional Christianity

The Manipulative Nature of High-Control Religious Environments

Rejecting Religious Jargon and Embracing Human Universals

Dealing with High-Control Individuals

Conclusion and Invitation to Future Conversations

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All Music for this episode composed by Axeltree