Lilt is on a brief hiatus while we work on ten projects at once and Lorrie gets into the wine. In the meantime, we wanted to relink some of our pasts podcasts in anticipation of the start of NanoWriMo next week! Episode 7: Planning vs. Pantsing Episode 12: Writing “sensitive” male characters. Episode 13: Writer’s […]

Lilt is on a brief hiatus while we work on ten projects at once and Lorrie gets into the wine. In the meantime, we wanted to relink some of our pasts podcasts in anticipation of the start of NanoWriMo next week!

Episode 7: Planning vs. Pantsing

Episode 12: Writing “sensitive” male characters.

Episode 13: Writer’s Block

We’ll be back on the 28th with our monthly reading wrap-up. Join us then, and for the wild month of writing ahead!