Lilly Natures Blessings' Podcast artwork

Lilly Natures Blessings' Podcast

27 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 7 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings

Profound insight, Messages from the Spirit World, SPECIAL Spiritual Techniques received from Spirit, meditations, inspiration, motivation and more ~ Aloha

Spirituality Religion & Spirituality spiritual psychic meditation techniques great mystery religion & spirituality
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Hagia Sophia and Andromedans Messages

August 15, 2017 00:00 - 20 minutes - 18.3 MB

Sophia is described as pure spirit, the wisdom of God, the feminine aspect of God. Humility is the highest form of wisdom. We are reminded to remain grounded and aligned with Gaia-Sophia, the divine being embodied as the Earth. Check out Moon Transmissions that are sent out twice a month. Check out Moon Transmissions that are sent out twice a month. Get my Free Ebook: “How to Balance Your ...

Saggitarius and the New Cycle Meteorite Shower

November 29, 2016 00:00 - 7 minutes - 6.99 MB

Plant New Seeds for the next cycle ~ New Opportunities to Grow and the Blessings in Disguise

Synchronicity: How to Increase Synchronicities

April 10, 2015 00:00 - 16 minutes - 15.3 MB

The events that happen in our lives are not random. There is a great Cosmic Intelligence that we are made of, which orchestrates everything with precision. In this audio I share what Synchronicities are, their importants and how to increase them. Here is the article (version) of this podcast.

Aura Cleansing : How to cleanse your aura with the Trees

October 20, 2014 00:00 - 11 minutes - 10.1 MB

Trees have the ability to cleanse negativity in the emotional and mental bodies that reflect as tension or pain in the physical body. They are well known to detoxify negative thinking. That’s probably why we feel so good in the nature, specially around trees. Read more: Tree Blessings, Lilly Natures Blessings

How to Attract Your Soulmate, Twin Flame, Great Relationships

August 19, 2014 00:00 - 9 minutes - 9.12 MB

When you attract Great Relationships, Love, your Soulmate or Twin Flame, everything starts to make sense, because you have a deeper understanding of who you are and what you are to achieve in this life. Watch on Youtube: Meet Lilly at and Get New Free eBook: Get daily Messages on Facebook:

Full Moon Meditation: Unclutter Chaotic Thoughts

June 11, 2014 00:00 - 13 minutes - 12 MB

This Meditation is great for clearing clutter thoughts. It came from Spirit in a Moon Transmission. If you don't know about Moon Transmissions I send out, Check them out: Moon Transmissions: Use this Meditation around Full Moon. You can use it 3 days before and 3 days after the Full Moon. Happy , peaceful and Joyful Thoughts. Lilly Natures Blessings

68 Seconds Spiritual Technique to shift from low to high vibrations

May 18, 2014 00:00 - 8 minutes - 7.94 MB

Peace Everyone :-) In this podcast I am sharing a POWERFUL Spiritual Technique which helps you SHIFT from negative thoughts to awesome, beautiful high energy positive vibrations! Now this technique comes from I believe Esther Hicks- Abraham and is really good… I will explain shortly what this technique is all about and what does to your psyche... and then I will take you to a 68 seconds powerful high positive journey… Sounds GOOD? Read the article here: http://psychicspiritin...

Sacred Mandala Universal Grid Project

May 11, 2014 00:00 - 37 minutes - 51.9 MB

In this podcast my dear friend Yasmine and I talk about the importance of Sacred Locations, Sacred spots on Earth and their activation. We talk about the urgency and importance of creating our own mandalas to create a spiritual practice that connects with everyone’s practice in the world. Our Ancestors, Lemurian, Atlantis and Mayan civilizations urged us that IT IS TIME to connect with the Universal Grid. Yasmine and I channeled information from the ancient civilizations in regar...

Etheric Shower: Aura Cleanse Technique

April 20, 2014 00:00 - 9 minutes - 8.63 MB Empathic, sensitive, intuitive, can easily pick up energy debris from outside their energy field. Every time one interacts with another, there is an exchange of energy, which could be beneficial or not. That’s why is important to clean your aura on a regular basis. “Etheric shower” is one of few methods to sweep the aura clean, purifying the mind. Enjoy :-) Blessings, Lilly Natures Blessings

White Sage: Spirit medium, protection, health, well being- Interview with Special guest Monica Maghiar

October 23, 2013 18:14 - 31 minutes - 29.1 MB

One of the most potent plants to use as a spiritual and psychic tool is White Sage. It has a multitude of medicinal properties and good for the throat chakra. It is used by shamans all over the world, Native Americans, healers, light workers for sacred ceremonies, rituals for protection and connection with Spirit. I had the pleasure to interview Monica Maghiar ( ), a monk who lives at a Monastery in California, about her sacred connection with White Sage. Sh...

Heart Technique to declutter chaotic energy of the heart

February 09, 2013 02:44 - 10 minutes - 9.3 MB

This Heart Technique helps declutter drama, chaotic energy, unbalanced or fearful thoughts that get stuck on top of each into your heart chakra and create confusion and misunderstanding. This is the visual given during the full moon transmission and if you listen to the (audio) podcast it will make sense. So Time to declutter and ground heart! Check it out!!! Enjoy and let us know how it works for you! Lilly Natures Blessings

Higher Mind vs Lower Mind

January 18, 2013 17:25 - 8 minutes - 8.05 MB

When you are in your lower or physical mind you have fears, doubts. When you are in our Higher Self you are in the center of the universe. Find out how to tap into your Higher Mind to manifest fast:

Purification Ceremonies for Mother Earth

September 25, 2012 22:02 - 11 minutes - 10.2 MB Even if our brothers and sisters are not 'awake', we can help by keeping our vibrations high. Forgiveness, Love and Gratitude are High Vibrations… This video is about awakening by doing purification ceremonies For Mother Earth. If you feel you are called to help raise the vibration of the planet by doing these ceremonies, than watch this video and listen to this podcast. In Lakesh Lilly Natures ...

Problems Meditating? 7 reasons why people don't meditate...

July 13, 2012 05:07 - 18 minutes - 16.5 MB

Do you find it hard to meditate? These are the main reasons why people don’t meditate: 1. Too busy to meditate 2. Mind (chatter) drives you crazy 3. Uncomfortable 4. Hard to stay still 5. Hard to deal with noise and distraction 6. Don’t know how to meditate 7. Meditation is for New Agers/ Women/ Yogis /Eastern philosophers blah blah blah… Peace, Lilly

Ways to Awaken and Balance Throat Chakra

June 17, 2012 17:04 - 19 minutes - 18.2 MB

Throat Translates messages from the heart. If you do not have fun in life, if you are too serious, lack creativity, afraid to speak in public, shy, intimidated by others, exaggerate truth or lie, engage in small talk, idle chit chat, and gossip, are overly critical, envious or jealous your throat chakra might be blocked, partially blocked or overly active. You will in this pod cast how to awaken an unblock your throat center.

How to Still Your Mind - Shift from Mind to Heart Meditation

June 02, 2012 16:52 - 15 minutes - 14.4 MB

When we get too busy we forget to ‘feel’ and that leads to depression that disconnects us from the spirit. Check out how to shift from mind to heart with this sweet yet powerful guided meditation. Enjoy! Lilly

Money Belief and Chakras

May 18, 2012 02:51 - 13 minutes - 12.4 MB

If you want to know if your money belief is doing a disservice to you look at your level of abundance. Find out what chakras that are out of balance that might prevent you from achieving success and create the abundance you want in your life. Lilly

Balance Chakras with Foods for Optimum Health

April 20, 2012 22:42 - 15 minutes - 14.2 MB

When you put foods in your mouth do you think about your chakras (energy centers) that are responsible for take in and give out energy? Your chakras might be out of balance because of foods you eat, don’t eat or overeat. This podcast is about foods that nourish and also feed our chakras. Enjoy, Lilly Natures Blessings

How to heal past life trauma...

April 05, 2012 00:11 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Past lives issues could affect this very present life by caring from the past lives emotional, mental or even physical energy that it is unresolved. The issues reside in the subconscious. Find out what issues might be carried from past lives and how to heal them by asking one meaningful question. Lilly

Mercury Retrograde ~ How it affects our lives

March 20, 2012 18:30 - 13 minutes - 12 MB

Mercury Retrograde - Mercury the planet that represents communication: time to contemplate your feelings and emotions observe your moods and pick up where you left old projects. Not a great idea to start something new but focus on completing old projects and tasks. Great time to connect with the source and look deep within. Learn about more positive aspects of Mercury Retrograde. Lilly,

Grounding ~ Earthing ~ Benefits ~ Ways to Ground Yourself

March 07, 2012 21:55 - 13 minutes - 11.9 MB

Grounding also known as Earthing is one of the most ancient healing forms of energy. The inability to ground can affect our immune system causing all kind of health problems, creating insomnia, fatigue, inflammation, and so on... Find out how to ground yourself and the benefits of grounding Lilly Natures Blessings

Spiritual Awakening and Spiritual Crisis

February 19, 2012 20:43 - 20 minutes - 18.8 MB

Spirituality is based on personal experience and many more people come to the realization of the importance of spiritual awakening. There is a painful side of spiritual growth and many people encounter difficulties and challenges on their spiritual path. When these spiritual crisis are overcome profound healing, wisdom and deep realization take place and dealing with difficutie and stress is easier. Lilly Read more: ...

What is Healing Energy? How to raise healing vibes...

February 07, 2012 02:35 - 15 minutes - 14.4 MB

Everything is Energy. There is vibration in everything. Healing energy (light) is God's universal loving energy is one of the most ancient healing techniques. It is extremely subtle and gentle energy. Energy healing is not done on the physical body, instead is intended to the spirit. When used with purest intention, results are magic. Blessings, Lilly

Sacred Space: What is it? How to use? Why?

December 29, 2011 19:42 - 12 minutes - 11.2 MB

Sacred Space makes you BE in the Present Moment: HERE and NOW! It makes your life magical and purposeful. If you want more healing in your life, more magic, more fulfillment, more joy, insight, peace creating sacred space is a good start. There are so many energies available in the World of Spirit. When you access your sacred space you open your channels of intuition and inspiration, not to mention the variety of true friends that are always ready to help and assist you. Lilly, ww...

Negative vs Positive

December 13, 2011 22:35 - 12 minutes - 11.8 MB

Negative thoughts are incredible toxic to the physical body. It can affect the organs, the heart in particular, the immune system. Negative unsupported thinking that creates internal madness that manifests into our external world. By polluting our bodies and surroundings with negativity we pollute our Earth… If you watch too much TV and specially news or fear based programs your aura will vibrate low and entities will make themselves at home into your energy field. Change your ...

Magical Journeys - In Spirit

December 09, 2011 23:14 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

The World of Spirit is a fun place to explore! Connect with the spirit realm, spirit of the tree, your power animal, angels, spirit guides to go on magical journeys.

Get Rid of Negative Energy from your Chakras and Aura

December 09, 2011 00:35 - 17 minutes - 15.8 MB

Simple and efficient methods for chakra healing, chakra balancing and chakra clearing to remove energy blocks from your physical body and heal your energy filed - aura for self or others. Lilly