How's it going my rockin' Drumsters?  How has 2022 been treating you so far?  Have you kept your resolutions or have they fallen off the calendar?  I hope you're still on track.  If not, have no fear, you still have another 9 months to get back on the horse to get them accomplished.  
Today's episode is a little dose of motivation where I offer some ways to keep you moving toward your dreams and goals.  So get yourself a cup of java or tea, your earbuds and I'll see you inside.
Keep on Rockin!!
Be sure to check out the live musician/artist/entrepreneur videos over at the VLOGCAST go to:
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How's it going my rockin' Drumsters?  How has 2022 been treating you so far?  Have you kept your resolutions or have they fallen off the calendar?  I hope you're still on track.  If not, have no fear, you still have another 9 months to get back on the horse to get them accomplished.  

Today's episode is a little dose of motivation where I offer some ways to keep you moving toward your dreams and goals.  So get yourself a cup of java or tea, your earbuds and I'll see you inside.

Keep on Rockin!!



Be sure to check out the live musician/artist/entrepreneur videos over at the VLOGCAST go to:

Are you enjoying the show? Would like to help support it? Become a Patron just head over to: