It's National Radio Day today.  I'm so excited because it made me think of my first radio.

Do you remember your first radio?  It was a hand-me-down from my big brother. It was a small transistor radio that you could plug a earplug into it (they didn't have two ear buds, one side only). A pull up antennae and basically it would only play AM radio (even though there were dials on it for FM, it wouldn't come in clearly). Me and my girlfriends would sit on our stoops in Park Slope, Brooklyn and listen to our favorite station WABC which at that time would play the Top 40 hits (mind you over and over again). We never got sick listening to those songs. I still have some of them on vinyl in my 45's collection.


Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if there wasn't any music in it? I couldn't even fathom the thought. Every important and non-important part of my life has a song attached to it. Music has made me happy, sad, pensive and most importantly, spiritual.


Do you prefer to listen to music through headphones? I do. I remember when they first made it into the mainstream. My brother and oldest sister had them. They would let me listen to their record albums with them. It was like being on another planet. From my little record player or transistor radio to now what sounded like they were playing directly in my ears. The sound was unremarkable. I was immediately hooked. To this day, I still prefer listening to music through some sort of headset/earbud. Here are a few that I love:


iPhone Earphones,

For underwater swimming and pool activities, these underwater gadgets really work and they're amazing!  I can't get a workout without them.

H20 audio Water Proof iPod shuffle case and headphones.

ipodshuffle for the H2O Audio Case

or you can use the:

H2O Amphibix Armband

You can use these

It's National Radio Day today.  I'm so excited because it made me think of my first radio.

Do you remember your first radio?  It was a hand-me-down from my big brother. It was a small transistor radio that you could plug a earplug into it (they didn't have two ear buds, one side only). A pull up antennae and basically it would only play AM radio (even though there were dials on it for FM, it wouldn't come in clearly). Me and my girlfriends would sit on our stoops in Park Slope, Brooklyn and listen to our favorite station WABC which at that time would play the Top 40 hits (mind you over and over again). We never got sick listening to those songs. I still have some of them on vinyl in my 45's collection.


Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if there wasn't any music in it? I couldn't even fathom the thought. Every important and non-important part of my life has a song attached to it. Music has made me happy, sad, pensive and most importantly, spiritual.


Do you prefer to listen to music through headphones? I do. I remember when they first made it into the mainstream. My brother and oldest sister had them. They would let me listen to their record albums with them. It was like being on another planet. From my little record player or transistor radio to now what sounded like they were playing directly in my ears. The sound was unremarkable. I was immediately hooked. To this day, I still prefer listening to music through some sort of headset/earbud. Here are a few that I love:


iPhone Earphones,

For underwater swimming and pool activities, these underwater gadgets really work and they're amazing!  I can't get a workout without them.

H20 audio Water Proof iPod shuffle case and headphones.

ipodshuffle for the H2O Audio Case

or you can use the:

H2O Amphibix Armband

You can use these Waterproof Headphones they're just under ten bucks -- you can't beat them for the price.  I've had a couple of pair that lasted longer than I thought at that price point.  


My dream headphones are: 

wireless Dr. Dre Beats Headphones with Diamond Swarovzski Elements - Champagne Color 



I rarely listen to radio any longer. Do you?  

I'm not much of  a fan of all of the commercials, they seem to be so abrasive to my sensitive ears. But, thank God for Spotify, Pandora, iHeart Radio and Soundcloud.  


I still love playing my vinyl collection (they sure can withstand the test of time).  I so love the way they sound, the scratches, it just brings me back to my youth.


Whats your favorite medium to listen to music? Are you a radio fan?  A collector?  


Leave me a comment and let me know what you like.  


Happy Listening.

