Meet Dyrol Randall (A/K/A Chops).  He’s an internationally recognized drummer who has recorded and performed with headliners such as Sister Carol, Mykal Rose, The Original Wailers, Judy Mowatt, and more.  He currently performs with Reggae band Jahfari. 

A few weeks ago, I finally had the chance to visit this cool place called Skipper’s Smokehouse which is a bit of a shack style restaurant with the best fried green tomatoes and alligator bites.  But, just as great is their food, is their music.  Jahfari was playing.  We decided to go and check it out and was so glad we did cause they rocked the house! 

I became mesmerized with Dyrol’s playing.  His unique style really caught my attention.  And, so did the sound of his drums.  It was a school night and had to wake early so I didn’t catch the whole show, but, I was lucky enough to meet him as I was leaving the building.  There he was taking a break with his crew and I introduced myself and we got to talking.  I asked him if he’d be a guest on the show and was thrilled when he said “yeh man”.  (I’ve been to Jamaica a number of times and loooove it). 

Dyrol was born in Jamaica.  His early mentors include Peter Brown, a 7-string bass player who taught him to “hold the groove together and let the music glide through the soul”.  His YouTube channel has over a million hits where he has a channel of drum instruction videos.  You’ve got to check it out!

So, take a listen to Dyroll’s interview here. If you like this episode, please be sure to subscribe and pay it forward.  And, If you happen to be in the Tampa area, be sure to pop over to Skipper’s Smokehouse for a bite to eat, grab a pint and a soak up a cool band!

Stay in touch with Dyrol at:

Dyrol’s website

Chop’s Facebook

Dyrol’s YouTube Channel

Today’s Tweetable:

“to learn you need to humble yourself so you can be open to learn” – Dyrol Randall

Check out some footage of Dyrol playing live with Jahfari at Skipper’s Smokehouse on the Lil’ Drummer Girl YouTube Channel here:

Lil’ Drummer Girl YouTube


Rock On & Rock Out!

Dawn-Marie (D.M.)


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