Everyone talks these days about the importance of goal setting.  Yes, of course, it's important, but, just as important is that we should also acknowledge them when they occur.  Writing them in a journal is an excellent way to do this.    

A few years ago, I learned the importance of not only setting our goals but, also keeping a separate journal where you can actually acknowledge those achievements on the important things we set out to do for ourselves, whether it was a personal or for a business venture. 

Do you keep an acknowledgment journal?  A place where you can capture all of those amazing things that happen to you along your journey?  Keeping a journal or notebook that is solely dedicated to this purpose is crucial because when you have those days you feel blue, you can pull it out and it will make you smile again.

If you're already doing this, my hat's off to you, and if you aren't, then, its time to get started.  You've accomplished a lot of things in your time, now is the time to begin celebrating them.

Here's to many amazing things along your journey.

With Love,




P.S. Let's stay in touch:

IG: @lildrummergirl55

FB:  dawnmariemutell