Previous Episode: Ep. 51 - The Wicker Man (1973)
Next Episode: Ep. 53 - The Square

To get the whole Wicker Man experience completely out of our system after our talk about the original Robin Hardy masterpiece, we decided to examine Nicolas Cage’s accidental comedy The Wicker Man (2006).

Our focus is particularly on the differences between the remake and the original and how exactly the makers of the remake failed to conceive the concepts of the original movie. Also we talk about the surprising merits of the remake. In particular the fact that both films have achieved a cult status with their own special ways. My mother is not familiar with the “so-good-its-bad” subgenre so I get to inform her about that. And of course we give our two cents about what we think of Cage’s acting talents.

I mention Alamo Drafthouse C4GED marathon evening one point. I make a lot mistakes trying to remember the event, so just read this article for the right accuracy:

Spoilers: we talk openly about the plot so the movie will be spoiled if you have not seen it.