Previous Episode: 190 - Oliver Twist
Next Episode: 192 - Andy Zaltzman

Gavin Stanbrook is a revolutionary socialist who hails from Gumbanyggir country on the NSW mid-north coast. He's a member of Socialist Alternative who's been campaigning for justice for Aboriginal families for years and who helped organise last week's #BlackLivesMatter protest in Sydney. 

In this conversation Gavin tells me how about tearing down statues, the revolutionary potential of this moment, police violence, the tragic cases of Aboriginal deaths in custody, his personal involvement in the #JusticeForBowraville campaign and why he thinks the police should be abolished. 

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I was on the latest episode of The Bugle podcast with Andy Zaltzman and Hari Kondabolu


Gavin's speech at the 2018 Invasion Day Rally in Redfern

ARTICLE: We can transform society in our interests if we unite to smash the system by Gavin Stanbrook

ARTICLE: There cannot be 432 victims and no perpetrators by Amy McQuire

ARTICLE: Aboriginal deaths in custody: Black Lives Matter protests referred to our count of 432 deaths. It's now 437 by Lorena Allam, Calla Wahlquist & Nick Evershed

ARTICLE: Justice for Bowraville! by Gavin Stanbrook

ARTICLE: Tear down Australia's racist statues by Rebecca Barrigos

ARTICLE: Our cops are killers too by Jasmine Duff

ARTICLE: Democrats are already trying to coopt the movement. Drive them out by Daniel Taylor

Cause of the Week: The Justice for David Dungay Jnr. GoFundMe

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