Jeremy Poxon is a social security activist and the media officer for the Australian Unemployed Workers Union. His spicy twitter account regularly draws attention to the plight of unemployed and underemployed people in Australia, from those living on Newstart to people on Work for the Dole to folks just trying to survive in the gig economy. 

Here Jeremy explains exactly how organising unemployed workers in a union works, why capitalism is antithetical to the idea of (actual) full employment, why Labor's centrism SUCKS BUTT, what's involved in a jobs guarantee and what an Australian Green New Deal might look like.  

Be the change you want to be in the world and support this show by becoming a Patron please

ENOUGH is on in Collingwood in Melbourne this Friday & Saturday night

ENOUGH is coming to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August and the Soho Theatre in September


ARTICLE: Australia Needs A Green New Deal, Not More Centrism by Jeremy Poxon, Jon Piccini and Tash Neenan

ARTICLE: What Good Are Billions of Surplus Dollars When People Are Starving? by Jeremy Poxon  

ARTICLE: The demerit system is ruthless social policy, designed to keep the poor powerless by Jeremy Poxon

ARTICLE: Living on Newstart: 'I don't eat every day. That saves some money I guess' by Gay Alcorn

Cause of the Week: The Unemployed Workers Union (

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