About 6 or more years ago I had decided to try and find answers through an experience I had heard much about. I had watched every documentary, read every book that I could.. set my intentions and had my questions ready.. Ready to ask whatever higher state of consciousness or awareness was available for me to access. What I found on the other side of that DMT experience was a lesson in letting go.. detaching from old stories.. limiting believes and the temporary human experience that we are here to navigate through. It was a glimpse of what I feel we are truly connected to as human beings.. and what perceptions, emotions and intelligence exists when we can allow it in... I have been working ever since that experience to apply the same principals to my life in the form of mindfulness, awareness, and honesty with myself and others. To be present and aware of the frequency I am putting out .. and also what I allow into my field of view or conscious experience ..  This was the beginning of a freedom and the foundation for what I believe humans are here for... to reconnect with who we really are ... ONE : )   MUCH LOVE TODAY   Likeattractslike11.com

* For those that just came for the "trip" part it's late in the episode lol .. you'll have to scroll

* This is only my attempt to communicate my subjective experience and is for educational purposes only, I am not of the authority to condone or suggest that anyone attempt anything similar for any reason.