I do yoga. Believe in therapy (in some cases. Lead a horse to water, you know?). Try to eat organic and have had my sanity saved by acupuncture. I pray, try very hard to make ecological decisions at every opportunity, and respect most practices that help you on your spiritual journey. However, despite knowing and accepting the value of medication, I have never really done it. Except for those last 10 minutes vegging in yoga class, the benefits of quieting one's mind. 

Then, I read Rebekah Borucki's new book, You Have 4 Minutes to Change Your Life: Simple 4-Minute Meditations for Inspiration, Transformation, and True Bliss.

Tall order, that title. But it works. This book is one part memoire, in which Rebecca, founder of the wholistic lifestyle blog Bexlife.com (with whom I share a book agent, the lovely Wendy Sherman!), digs into her early life, including a childhood wracked with poverty and fundamentalism that discouraged her spirituality for years, bad relationships and a life of general chaos.

These stories lend to Bex's message of the power of meditation. She breaks down the practice into steps that are entirely practical, like how to sit, how to hold your hands and body, and specific scripts you can borrow during your own mindful practice. The approach is digestible without being condescending or cheesy. In other words, it is just another tool to get you on your way.

Have a listen to this awesome interview, in which Bex shares about her own journey, and guides you through a meditation (might not want to try it while driving). 


