Episode 034: What exactly is a lightworker? How do I know for sure if that's what I am? Host Stephanie Powers shares her personal 'awakening' story and how she secretly knew she was a lightworker since birth. (( Fun Fact: We all are. )) Tune in to this week's episode to hear about the sure signs that 'Lightworker' is on your life resume.

Intro song:

‘Feels’ - Kiiara

Outro song: 

'Grandmothersphere' - East Forest Birth Charts, Tarot Card Readings: https://www.evolve2health.com


Follow Stephanie on Social Media!

Instagram: @stephanies_destiny and @lightworkerslounge

Episode 034: What exactly is a lightworker? How do I know for sure if that's what I am? Host Stephanie Powers shares her personal 'awakening' story and how she secretly knew she was a lightworker since birth. (( Fun Fact: We all are. )) Tune in to this week's episode to hear about the sure signs that 'Lightworker' is on your life resume.

Intro song:

‘Feels’ - Kiiara

Outro song: 

'Grandmothersphere' - East Forest Birth Charts, Tarot Card Readings: https://www.evolve2health.com


Follow Stephanie on Social Media!

Instagram: @stephanies_destiny and @lightworkerslounge