ARE VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STILL PROTECTED BY THE INSTITUTIONS? During corona lockdown, safety planning is even more complicated for survivors of intimate-partner violence. In previous episodes, you learned what is (and what’s not) sexual violence, challenges in times of covid-19 pandemics, and how was Brianna’s professional experience of working with victims of rape. In this last episode of this series about gender-based violence, you fill hear:


Are the institutions failing in supporting victims of sexual violence during the covid-19 pandemics? Can victims count on health care, courts, jails as under normal times?
Are perpetrators of these crimes less likely to be detained?
How can we as a community help victims with their safety planning strategies?
What about the kids that are witnessing or targets of domestic violence?
How does financial stress caused by the global economic crisis contribute to the rise of intimate-partner violence and unhealthy relationship dynamics? 


Lucia Klestincova, your host of Lights on Europe interviews Brianna Hertford, who spent 6 years as an advocate for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in the United States. She has been a counselor for adults and children experiencing violence, a medical advocate for survivors of sexual assault, and has worked in emergency shelters. She currently works with a Brussels-based NGO that advocates for human rights at a political level. She manages two programs: women’s rights and gender equality; and LGBTQI people and human rights. Brianna has a MA in International Migration with a specialization in Human Rights Law from the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies, and a BS in Psychology from Northeastern University.



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