We're inna-gadda-da-vida for Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy XIII. The l'Cie ruin the Cocoon 500 and get a whole lotta head (it's not what you think).
Pitchdrop Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/pitchdrop)
Show Notes:
The Brainy Gamer: Deep Fantasy (http://brainygamer.typepad.com/the_brainy_gamer/2010/06/deep-fantasy.html)
When you think about it... (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DCzEfJYXgAEPPMo.jpg:large)
Graham's FFVII New Threat Let's Play (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVQ9RtT2m5KFnBMPSbscIlk0QhlCV1afs)

We're inna-gadda-da-vida for Chapter 12 of Final Fantasy XIII. The l'Cie ruin the Cocoon 500 and get a whole lotta head (it's not what you think).

Pitchdrop Patreon

Show Notes:

The Brainy Gamer: Deep Fantasy

When you think about it...

Graham's FFVII New Threat Let's Play

Support Lightning Strikes Thrice