I’ve been excited about this podcast for a while, simply because our guest is Bob Beard. Bob is the local PBS station’s official Nerd-In-Chief (seriously), he runs the annual Nerd Walk, writes the geek culture section of Phoenix New Times, loves The Ghostbusters, and is slowly-but-surely writing a thesis on authenticity within nerd culture. PlusRead More

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I’ve been excited about this podcast for a while, simply because our guest is Bob Beard.

Bob is the local PBS station’s official Nerd-In-Chief (seriously), he runs the annual Nerd Walk, writes the geek culture section of Phoenix New Times, loves The Ghostbusters, and is slowly-but-surely writing a thesis on authenticity within nerd culture.

Plus he’s hilarious.

Click here to show Podcast Notes, Links, Etc.

AZ PBS 8 – http://www.azpbs.org/

Jackalope Ranch – http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/jackalope/

Patton Oswalt’s Wired article. – http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/12/ff_angrynerd_geekculture/

Helvetica documentary – http://www.helveticafilm.com/

PBS Nerd Walk – http://www.azpbs.org/nerd/

Ghostbusters fought Cthulhu.- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvnJWYaSuDs

Curiosity: What’s inside the cube.- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curiosity_%E2%80%93_What’s_Inside_the_Cube%3F

The wheel of fish. – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KezvwARhBIc