Woah, we are two episodes in now. That’s pretty hardcore. Joining us in this episode, willing to throw himself in the midst of chaos, is Preston Smith. I don’t give Preston enough credit for Lightning Octopus. Back before I even started this thing, he was the big inspiration for me to start getting interested inRead More

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Woah, we are two episodes in now. That’s pretty hardcore.

Joining us in this episode, willing to throw himself in the midst of chaos, is Preston Smith.

I don’t give Preston enough credit for Lightning Octopus. Back before I even started this thing, he was the big inspiration for me to start getting interested in “local” things. Local restaurants, local bands, local events, local businesses. It should be pretty obvious that his passion for local community has rubbed off on me.

Preston is the Organic Marketing Manager over at InfusionSoft, and last year he pretty much bore his soul to everyone at Ignite Phoenix.

He’s a fan of awesome shows like Firefly, Battlestar, & Fringe and one of the few people I know that loves Nick Harkaway’s The Gone-Away World as much as I do.

He’s big into Phoenix’s improv scene, and a connoisseur of interesting and unique sodas.

Let’s listen in, shall we?

Gourmet soda. Who knew?

Show Podcast Notes, Links, Etc.

Jesterz Improv – http://www.jesterzimprov.com/

Improv AZ – http://improvaz.com/

Phoenix Improv Festival this April – http://phoeniximprovfestival.com/

You mean Wrath of Khan? – http://khaaan.com/

The Soda Pop Shop lives… in a van.Soda Pop Guy – email address [email protected]

A local rootbeer company? – http://www.sonoranbrewing.com/beers/Root_Beer.php

Smeeks Candy Shop – http://www.smeeks.com/

Hot lips – http://hotlipspizza.com/sodashop/

Rocket Burger in Phoenix – http://therocketburger.com/location.htm

Jesterz 2013 Schedule – http://www.jesterzimprov.com/2013-schedule/#