Amelía is a Seer, multi-dimensional guide, sustainable lifestyle designer, author, and spiritual catalyst.

Tonight Amelía prepares us down our journey of awakening to prepare us for the dark night of the soul. It is almost a certainty when you are on your journey of enlightenment and self empowerment the battle for your sovereignty will get really hard and things will come against you and you will fill more alone then you have ever been. Karris gives us some solid advice in this situation to let us know to stay the course. If you have never heard of Amelía Aeon Karris your here because its time you know.

She created Know the Self Mystery School for Truth Seekers to achieve Self-Mastery.

Her healing abilities and clear vision were forged during a series of shamanic initiations over a nine-year period that honed her multi-sensory awareness and crystallized her gifts.

Amelía’s extensive past-life recall was noted in India, first placing her on national TV and later addressing live audiences of as many as 60,000 spiritual seekers. Over the last decade – through public speaking, teaching, and private counseling – she’s have helped thousands of people to liberate their minds, navigate expanding realities, and live out their divine destinies.

She specializes in assisting others personally on their path to awakening.

You can also get the second edition of SYNCHRONICITY – Unlock Your Divine Destiny in paper back.

This book is designed to awaken your soul essence, unleash the power of our collective genius, and activate your unique innate spiritual gifts.


She also works with the moon cycles and loves to write about the phases in her newsletter and on her Moon Blog.

She visits LTV once a month if she has time to stop by and always delivers a wealth of knowledge and guidance for the audience.
Music by Spaceboy, Chronox and Kevin Mcleod