Joanne Clarkson was taught card reading as a child by her grandmother, psychic Esther Monson Erdman. Wanting to have a skill not practiced by other family members, in her early teens, she learned palmistry by reading every book she could find in the public library.

Joanne has used her Insights throughout her life for self-fulfillment and to encourage others. With palm readings, she explores talents, tendencies and life paths. Using Tarot, she helps seekers answer questions, make contact, and reach a deeper understand of self and surroundings. Joanne is a Registered Nurse and enjoys writing poetry.

Her book THE FATES contains 58 poems arranged into three sections, each headed by a poem about one of the three Fates or Morae from Greek mythology: Klotho who spins the thread of life, Lachesis who measures it and Atropos who snips it at the end.

The point of the book is the exploration of ‘fate versus free will.’ How much control do we have over our lives? The character that occurs most frequently is her maternal grandmother, Esther, a Swedish immigrant, who was also a psychic medium. Her struggles, mental and physical, have often given Joanne poetic inspiration.

The fact that her grandmother was a seamstress and a milliner as well as a card reader, ties in well with the stories of the Fates. Joannes work as a Hospice Nurse is also reflected in these poems as is the presence of death in her personal life. While hardship might seem prevalent, hopefully courage, love and beauty are truly the dominant themes.

Joanne is also the author of THERE’S ALWAYS A MIRACLE dive into her years caring for the dying as a hoscpice nurse that changed her way of thinking about body and spirit.

These pages contain twenty-four stories of ghosts and music and a failed GPS system. Of UFOs and convicts. Of a fateful traffic accident and imaginary roses. Five chapters from her personal life frame nineteen examples of how final moments become extraordinary. In this book, small coincidences make a great difference. Single acts of unselfish love let us know we are not alone in our sorrow and wonder.

Check out her website at
Music by Chronox, Kevin Mcleod and Spaceboy at