Though thousands of people have enjoyed staying at the LightHouse’s Enchanted Hills Camp since we acquired it in 1950, one  woman has had a particularly special lifelong relationship with our property.  Hope Sinclair’s father bought the land in 1927 and operated a boy’s camp there for more than 20 years.  Hope herself spent much of … Continue reading Hope Sinclair Interview, August 6 2012, Part 1 of 2 →

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Though thousands of people have enjoyed staying at the LightHouse’s Enchanted Hills Camp since we acquired it in 1950, one  woman has had a particularly special lifelong relationship with our property.  Hope Sinclair’s father bought the land in 1927 and operated a boy’s camp there for more than 20 years.  Hope herself spent much of her girlhood at camp in the 1930’s and 1940’s and developed a detailed love for the nature and history of the place.

In 2012 the LightHouse recorded a lengthy oral history about the camp and we intend to host the interview permanently on this site.

Sitting in the same living room her family once inhabited, Hope Sinclair spoke for nearly three hours with LightHouse CEO Bryan Bashin, Camp Director Tony Fletcher and Development Director Jennifer Sachs.  Those who wish to learn in detail from the woman with the best 80 years of living memory of our site will enjoy the interview.

The post Hope Sinclair Interview, August 6 2012, Part 1 of 2 appeared first on LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired.