Message Pastor Jason

In this illuminating episode, we embark on a transformative journey through the first part of our "Make Disciples" series, focusing on the profound theme of "light shining in the darkness." Drawing inspiration from Leonard Sweet's anecdote about a Swiss church's tradition, we explore the beautiful symbolism of light in our faith and community.

Discover how the ancient instructions in Leviticus 24:1-4 about maintaining the Tabernacle's golden lampstand serve as a timeless metaphor for our role as bearers of God's light. As we delve into the significance of the lampstand, we'll uncover how the people of Israel were called to provide pure olive oil, symbolizing their commitment to be a light to the nations.

We also connect this Old Testament imagery to the New Testament, where Jesus, our High Priest, tends to us and ensures we shine brightly in a world shrouded in darkness. Through an exploration of Revelation 1:20 and Philippians 2:15, we see how we, as the Church, are meant to reflect Jesus' light to those around us.

Join us as we learn that our light is not just for ourselves but a beacon of hope for others. Your presence and light matter greatly to your church family and the world. Tune in and be inspired to let your light shine ever more brightly for the glory of God.

Key Scriptures:

Leviticus 24:1-4Revelation 1:20Philippians 2:15

Topics Covered:

Evangelism and DiscipleshipThe symbolism of light in ScriptureThe role of the Church in spreading God's light

Listen now and let your light shine!

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