Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fourteen.

We are putting a spotlight on God’s wisdom this week because of Pauls’ First letter to the Corinthians. One gentleman shared his trek in trying to acquire the wisdom of God. He said, ‘Shortly after my conversion in 1973, six of my young Christian friends and I met one evening to talk about our faith. […]

The post How to SpotLight God’s Wisdom In Your Every Day Life appeared first on emeryhorvath.com.

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Podcast: Light on Life Season Eleven Episode Fourteen

We are putting a spotlight on God’s wisdom this week because of Pauls’ First letter to the Corinthians. One gentleman shared his trek in trying to acquire the wisdom of God. He said, ‘Shortly after my conversion in 1973, six of my young Christian friends and I met one evening to talk about our faith. We had been reading our Bibles and had decided to pray for the spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12.’ He went on to say, ‘I was young and zealous, so I asked for wisdom. I knew that God was wise [that’s what Romans 16:27 says]. And I knew that I needed what He had. I sensed the presence of God as we prayed, and I vividly recall my deep conviction that He would answer my prayer. In the days and months that followed, the Holy Spirit began to provoke me with the following passage: “My purpose is that…they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” [Colossians 2:2–3]. These verses contain a vital truth, but I did not understand it. In some mysterious way, Christ’s life and death reveal God’s hidden wisdom. Try as I might, I could not see it. I saw obedience, suffering, love, and courage. But His wisdom just wasn’t as obvious to me. I began praying: “Father, I want to understand why Your wisdom is a treasure. Let me see the value of Your wisdom. Let me see where You have hidden it in the life and death of Your Son.” Twelve years passed. [You know sometimes we are asking questions way beyond where we are. That means we must grow into the answer.] For some reason, I purchased the 17th–century classic The Existence and Attributes of God by the Puritan scholar Stephen Charnock. He devoted 107 pages to a detailed biblical study of God’s wisdom. One sentence in particular was life changing for me.’ “Wisdom consists in acting for a right end.… He is the wisest man that has the noblest end and the fittest means, so God is infinitely wise; as He is the most excellent being, so He has the most excellent end.” ‘As I read, God enlightened my understanding. For the first time, I saw that genuine wisdom consisted of the pursuit of God’s ultimate end, His glory, with God’s means, a life of sacrificial service. By contrast, “earthly wisdom” pursues its own glory (or another lesser end) using a selfish means, such as control, manipulation, or domination.1.’ That’s a marvelous testimony of how one man acquired some life changing wisdom. How to Spotlight God’s Wisdom in Your Every Day Life, that’s our focus on this week’s Light on Life.

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The post How to SpotLight God’s Wisdom In Your Every Day Life appeared first on emeryhorvath.com.

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