Special episode! We hear from Michelle Baum about her experiences discovering her gift with symbology in my Multi-Dimensional Mentorship Program. Michelle came to me with some gifts with tarot that were already being expressed, but wanted to develop them further and do some healing work along the way. Together, we worked with her Guides to heal what was holding back the further expression of these gifts, discovered that she sees Egyptian symbols to communicate with Spirit, and learned more about her past lives. Egyptian symbology, hands on healing and much more in this episode!

There is still one spot left in my Multi-Dimensional Mentorship Program. Check out the show notes for more info!


Multi-Dimensional Mentorship Program

Divine Guiding Light 2-Auric Imprints course

Live, channeled course with replays available-starts Tuesday, Nov. 17th!

Adalina East on IG @adalinaeast

Adalina East on Facebook @AdalinaHealing

Michelle at Cottage Spa