We welcome Megan Mikkelsen to the podcast today! The founder and owner of Detox by Design, a web portal where she shares toxin-free living strategies to help us make safer choices in beauty care, household products and more. Megan’s passion for making her home healthier began with obtaining her Master’s in Public Heath, and continued with the birth of her daughters. She is a fountain of knowledge on how to detoxify your home.

We talk about:

-what inspired Megan to dive into REAL detox in her life;

-the importance of checking into ingredients of our detergents, cleaners and more when trying to get pregnant and raising children;

-fresh water and how important it is for our immune systems;

-we nerd out about how we love to read academic journal articles about toxins;

-what the term “fragrance,” means on your favorite products;

-the truth bomb about the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and how to read between the lines;

-Megan’s best recommendations for winter dry hands, nail polish, cleaners, and more.

Connect with Adalina here:

Harness your Spiritual Gifts-free 7-day course

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You can reach Megan here:

Toxin Free Talk, Megan’s podcast

Megan on Instagram: instagram.com/themeganmikkelsen