Episode 33. There are many reasons we work hard at our jobs. Sometimes we work too hard and sometimes we work without really thinking why.  Hamza Khan is an international keynote speaker, author and business owner who has been through the trenches working the long hours he needed to prove himself. Unfortunately when you do that, you can burnout, without even recognizing what happened.

In this episode host Greg Martin speaks with Hamza about his book The Burnout Gamble, along with his theories around work, millennials and how we are sometimes motivated by fear and other times trying to prove something to ourselves and our parents. 

Hamza is an expert in modern leadership, purposeful productivity, and navigating change with resilience. His TEDx talk "Stop Managing, Start Leading" has been viewed over two million times. He introduces his clients to new ways of being so they can get out of their fear cycles and begin to thrive in a sustainable way.