Episode 41. It’s hard to know what you want to do in your career long-term. Often times you start somewhere and see where it takes you. If you ask Zachary Novak, he says you have to find your thing, and it just takes time.

With host Greg Martin, Zachary shares his beginnings in investment banking to how he discovered the idea of getting into the field of technology. Before jumping into the tech world, Zachary was hesitant to go into a field he wasn’t an expert in. That is, until he realized that you don’t need to understand technology on an expert level to understand what it does for people.

Today he runs an organization called Careers in Technology and Innovation which helps diverse professionals find and grow fulfilling careers in tech. The application of technology across various industries is disruptive and innovative, making it an exciting place to be for professionals today.

Key Takeaways and Discussion

The biggest learning experiences he had after years in investment banking.How he opened up to opportunities for self-reflection and where that led him.The problems Zachary got stuck on when he changed careers.The beneficial aspects of working in banking, as well as the difficulties.Zachary’s unique gifts and strengths along with how he’s embraced them.Why getting away from your ego and trusting your gut is crucial for success.What to do first if you feel drawn to exploring entrepreneurship.What it takes to make the leap into the tech industry and why people do it.The community manager’s conundrum and Zachary’s take on it.How online communities were “whiplashed” after COVID.How the online community landscape is shifting today and what it’s moving towards.Pillars to consider before creating your own community.