Episode 30. Tricia Timm hid who she was for years as she climbed the corporate ladder as a lawyer, aspiring to be better and better eat each step. But, what did better mean and what was the top? Throughout much of her career she hid that she was Latina and in other cases hid that she was a mother. 

At a certain point she decided to stop hiding and to out herself. Rather than being ashamed of her background, she decided to come out and talk about it. To tell her store and inspire young Latina women, she decided to write a book.

With host Greg Martin, this interview covers her story and how many of us feel in the workplace, not totally comfortable with revealing who we are, but also not comfortable sharing our true selves. It wasn’t something she even knew, but once it dawned on her that she was hiding, she decided to reclaim her identity and began advocating for inclusivity and diversity in the workplace.

Yes, the culture of white males tend to dominate many places of professional work - but to break-in we must advocate for inclusivity and diversity in the workplace.

Key Takeaways

Tricia’s vast personal and professional accomplishments, absent of knowing her cultural backgroundHow not seeing people like her in the corporate world impacted herWhy diverse thoughts, perspectives, and people create better companiesThe moments that brought up inner conflict during her careerWhy she decided to “out” herself in a LinkedIn postWhen Tricia feels like an imposter and how she navigates fearSigns your work environment is inclusive and ways to be inclusive while respecting a diverse teamHow to build your support network in the workplace How storytelling helps build bridges between peopleThe obstacles Ttricia faced as a new mom in her career, including secretly breastfeeding in parking garagesHow and why she started her own firm—and why she left it