You know those little “I made it moments?”

The ones you can look back on and say that was the moment I felt like I really made it here.


I had a strong one recently and it was when I took a step back and realized I had 30 showings in 1 weekend and only physically attended 3 of them.


How? Outsourcing and leveraging.


As agents, sometimes it feels like we can become fully at mercy of our client’s schedules.


But almost all agents I know got into real estate for the freedom aspect.


So it’s incredibly important to keep this at the forefront so this career doesn’t grow in the wrong direction.


In this episode I’m bringing you through how I create freedom as a real estate agent. How I was able to have 27 showings that I did not attend. And how you can create the same results through leveraging and outsourcing.

Episode Sponsor:

Coffee + Contracts

Discount Code: JESSICA2021