This episode is really important. Press play if you are feeling overworked, stressed out, or flat out burnt out. We are working in one of the most stressful markets we’ve seen for agents in a really long time. Is the market great? Yeah! Is it awesome that people are buying and selling? Absolutely! But at what price to your mental health?


As Realtors, we are our business. Our mental health determines the health of our businesses. And if you are running on empty, there’s a big chance you are one of the 90+% of us agents experiencing burnout. It is vitally important to recognize if you’re in a state of burnout. Why? Because running on empty usually means you’re going to have to stop at some point. And I don’t want you to have to do that. I don’t want the stress to make you feel like you have to leave real estate all together. Because you don’t! There are ways we can manage and maintain our mental health before burnout takes over and it’s too late.


In this episode we are going over ways you can recognize burnout before it gets too far gone. We talk about normalizing burnout and being aware of it so we can rewire it. I am really passionate about shining a light on this topic because more often than not we are burnt out and don’t even know it.


It took me hitting a wall and experiencing physical symptoms before I finally admitted I was in a state of burnout and was ready to do something about it. I don’t want this to be you! It shouldn’t take hitting a wall to make changes. Join me as I discuss my experience openly and share with you the research I’ve done to help beat burnout before it beats us.

Episode Links:

Coffee + Contracts

Discount Code: jessica15

