In this episode, I’m talking to Venkatraman Pichumani who is the Founder of the Zippers Club and YouTooCanRun. At Zippers club he trains cardiac patients to run and at YouTookCanRun he provides a 360-degree platform to organise sports events.

The post #15 – Venkatraman Pichumani (Founder of YouTooCanRun) – Cultivating uncorrupt behaviour, Providing world-class user experience and Coaching Cardiac patients! appeared first on Lifestyle Architecture Lab.

Venkatraman Pichumani

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In this episode I’m talking to Venkatraman Pichumani who is founder of YouTooCanRun, a company through which he provides a 360 degree platform to organise sports events starting from the registration process till the event wrap up. YouTooCanRun is leading the charts in the end to end user experience it provides. He is also the Founder of the Zippers Club, which is a very unique club where he coaches people who have or had cardiac conditions, he trains them to run long distances and even Marathons. Venkat himself is a long distance runner despite having a cardiac surgery years back.

In this conversation we talk about his life journey, things and experiences from the 80s and 90s. How he surrendered his CA title after achieving financial freedom and started various ventures and found success in many of his entrepreneurial acts. All of this and much more in this episode.

So without further adieu, please enjoy this conversation with Venkatraman Pichumani.

Links and references from the episode –

Person’s mentioned in this episode –

Dr. Aashish Contractor (Here’s his TedX Talk)
Keegan Kuhn – An award-winning documentary filmmaker who came to Mumbai and screened the movie Cowspiracy.

Apps and services mentioned –

Smarter time
RescueTime (mentioned by Himanshu)
Venkat’s company YouTooCanRun uses Zoho Suite for running their business operations.
Zoho Project (Part of Zoho suite) for project management.
Venkat’s company used Amazon web services (AWS) for their website development.

Book(s) mentioned –

The Silk Roads – A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan
The Law of Success by Napoleon Hill
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Movie(s) Mentioned –

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret – A documentary mentioned by Venkat in context of Veganism.
A Plastic Ocean – A documentary which inspired Venkat to drop plastic out of his life.
Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story – Venkat mentioned this movie

Interesting references –

Free Masonary –

3rd Feb 2007 he had his cardiac (open heart) bypass surgery.
Canary in the mine
Angina – A type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart.
Zippers Club
Different Stages of life as mentioned by Venkat –


** (Stages of life as per Hinduism)

Divergent – tending to be different or develop in different directions.
Finished his CA – May 1983 and practiced it till Jun 1994 (11 years)
Consortium term lending
Public issue (helpful link) – now called IPO (Initial Public Offering)
Events which altered his CA life path (not just his but entire country’s) –

Harshad Mehta Scam
The CRB Scam

Venkat became a Ham Radio Operator around 1987-88 – (Helpful link for details about Ham Radio)
Computer Languages he learned in 1981 – Basic, Cobol and Fortran
Computer Society of India
8 Cables connecting India to the Internet – helpful link
Latur Earthquake – (Role of Amature Radio Operators) – BBC coverage (link) on the earthquake
Free Masonry – So called secret society

What is Pollination?
Artificial insemination in animals
Intermittent Fasting – A dieting practice done by The Rock and the Wolverine – Hugh Jackman
VSNL where Venkat went to get his first email address around 1996. Now VSNL is known as Tata Communications Ltd.
Hayes command set – The command set consists of a series of short text strings which can be combined to produce commands for operations such as dialing, hanging up, and changing the parameters of the connection. The vast majority of dial-up modems use the Hayes command set in numerous variations. – Service Venkat used to host his initial websites.
Vital Link Outsourcing – Venkat’s first outsourcing company
Vistaar – The company that overtook Vital Link.
Vipassana Meditation Course at Igadhpuri – Link
Venkat is a Race Director as well, so he plans the races and the race routes as well.
IronWood Sports Management – Where Venkat teaches Sports Project Management and Quality control for Sports events.
Venkat Journals (from almost 25 years) for mental clarity and managing his thoughts with two significant aspects –

What he did with his time that day
What he did with his money that day

Panchang – Hindu Calendar used in India.
His early days mentor – Sea Cadet Corps – Commodore (SCC) Rabi Ahuja
Venkatraman Pichumani was interviewed for the first time by Yuva Vahini (Voice of Youth) in 1972 when TV had just arrived in the country and Doordarshan was the only channel in BnW.
India is world’s diabetic capital.
Three rules about entrepreneurship –

Weather we see weather it’s good for relationship
Weather it’s good for business.
Weather it follows the rule of the law.

Quotes from the episode –

There is enough money in the world for everyone’s need, but there is not enough money in the world for everyone’s greed.
The man who has got everything in life is envious of the man who has got two of everything in life.
My sons have rich parents I don’t.
Increase the supply and curtail the demand. That’s the simple formula of Financial Freedom.
Making good men better. Main motto of Free Masonry.
The goal of Free Masons is to Live respected and Die regretted.
“With great power comes great responsibility” – Quote from a Spiderman Movie (also known as the Peter Parker principle)
Corruption is you willingly lowering your standards.
Mindfulness is often confused with Meditation.
If you put accountability in your life then your life improves.
Start-ups fail more these days because they get too much money too soon.

The ways you can connect with Venkatraman Pichumani –

Website – Contact page

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Credits and License:

My awesome intro background – The Real Broadway Musical by Narch and Dan Mace (Thanks guys)

Outro background – Tight Shorts – Andrew Applepie

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The post #15 – Venkatraman Pichumani (Founder of YouTooCanRun) – Cultivating uncorrupt behaviour, Providing world-class user experience and Coaching Cardiac patients! appeared first on Lifestyle Architecture Lab.

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