In this podcast episode, Kaiwei Tang, the founder of Light Phone discusses the inspiration behind Light Phone, a credit card-sized device that encourages people to take a break from technology and live in the moment. He explains the concept of minimalism in design and how it aligns with the core values of Light Phone. Kaiwei emphasizes the importance of eliminating distractions and creating a device that blends into the background. He also criticizes the advertisement and data-collecting business models behind smartphones and social media platforms. Kaiwei shares its distribution strategy and future plans to improve the software experience of Light Phone and much more!


[00:00:39] Kaiwei Tang discusses his background in design and user research, and how he joined an incubator created by Google for designers.

[00:03:10] Kaiwei Tang explains the motivation behind creating Light Phone, emphasizing the negative effects of excessive screen time and the need for a balance in technology usage.

[00:08:02] Kaiwei Tang introduces Light Phone 2, the next version of Light Phone, which is a credit card-sized device with its own operating system and a toolbox of utility tools, without any entertainment or social media features.

[00:14:08] Kaiwei Tang discusses how minimalism is a core value in the design of Light Phone, eliminating unnecessary noise and distractions.

[00:16:29] Kaiwei Tang explains how design is not just a trade or service, but a way of life that influences every decision made for the company.

[00:19:08] Kaiwei Tang discusses how Light Phone aims to create a boundary from distractions and encourages users to focus on what is important to them.

[00:27:59] Discussion on the dislike of the advertisement business model and data collecting behind smartphones and social media platforms.

[00:29:40] Exploration of how the focus on driving engagement on social media platforms can lead to division and lack of common ground.

[00:34:19] Explanation of why Light Phone is more expensive due to customization and the inability to compete with big tech companies' low pricing.

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 YouTube:  lifeselfmastery

 Twitter: rohitmal

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