Does it help to know your attachment style? After all, it's the way you've been raised and how your body naturally responds to things. Or can it be changed?

In this episode,  Dr. Gary Salyer, author of Safe To Love Again, starts by explaining to us what the 4 styles are and how they display themselves in life. Did you know anxious-avoidant is only 5% of the population? And 50% are secure?! I'm not sure I really believe that one, but either way, how can one become secure? Is it even possible? 

With the safety to feel four core emotions, you will feel secure. Yes, it's possible. Once you understand how these four emotions work, what they trigger, and how you can implement them in your relationship,  you start to see a difference.   

For the last decade, Dr. Salyer has been in private practice offering singles and couples heart-centered transformation so they can re-write the rules for love in their brains and create a love that lasts. Dr. Gary speaks to a national audience as a featured expert on various celebrity TV and radio shows such as Hay House Radio and Coast to Coast AM. 

Connect with Dr. Salyer at

Scroll all the way for “Love Notes with Dr. Gary Salyer”, a collection of short, heartfelt and practical 3-4 minute videos by experts like Dr. John Gray, Arielle Ford, SARK, Paul Carrick Brunson, and others.

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