So many people enjoyed hearing Chuck’s interview with Lifeonaire co-founder, Steve Cook; that we decided to record a part two. Steve brings us into his personal life by describing his early history with alcohol abuse and money problems. His Lifeonaire journey began when he realized he wasn’t going to find his ‘Mrs. Right’ in a bar. He realized he was not on the right path to becoming the man he wanted to be. So he created a life vision and started from there. You too can start your journey by creating a life vision, but Steve says “You must leave money out of it”.


Key Takeaways:

[3:28] I led a very different life before living the Lifeonaire principles

[4:55] I drank from happy hour to 4 am, 7 nights a week

[8:10] It starts by having a different vision for your life

[11:39] Finding ‘Mrs. Right’, but not in a bar

[16:35] Little decisions led me to understanding I was not the man I wanted to become

[17:55] I could only commit to $50 a month, but I did it

[20:36] What is one thing I can do today to get me one step closer to the life I want to live?

[24:05] Your vision gives you the power to say no and the power to say yes

[27:02] People who take the Lifeonaire seriously are able to change their life within one year

[32:00] Don’t forget to look back to reflect on your progress

[33:25] Owning the “stuff” of an 18-page vision is not exactly the goal

[38:46] If something is important to you, you will overcome fear

[43:07] Start taking steps in the right direction

[44:36] When creating your life vision, leave money out of it



Four Stages to Financial Prosperity


Lifeonaire Book